I couldn't resist these shots of my little nephew today. He is so
bright-eyed and happy. What a loveable little guy!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I babysat my nephews today and while Reese was watching cartoons, Maddox was
holding his hand. I couldn't resist this shot. Adorable.
holding his hand. I couldn't resist this shot. Adorable.
Sites of Home
I captured these images driving from my cabin to my Mom's along Highway 366
in Grandview. Beautiful country.....that's why it's still HOME to me, and
always will be.
in Grandview. Beautiful country.....that's why it's still HOME to me, and
always will be.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Happy 50th Birthday Tannis!
I had a very busy weekend....three photo shoots! The final one was in
Grandview at my sister-in-law's Mom's 50th birthday. The family were all
together so we took the opportunity to take some family pictures. Happy
50th Tannis - you look amazing!
Grandview at my sister-in-law's Mom's 50th birthday. The family were all
together so we took the opportunity to take some family pictures. Happy
50th Tannis - you look amazing!
Brock, Jackie & Holly
I had a great time this afternoon taking pictures of this great family.
Holly is almost eight months old and is ADORABLE. She is so happy and quick
to smile - it was a joy to take her picture! Her parents are awesome and
you can just see the love they have for their little girl and each other.
Thanks Brock & Jackie - it was a pleasure meeting you and capturing some
memories for you!
Holly is almost eight months old and is ADORABLE. She is so happy and quick
to smile - it was a joy to take her picture! Her parents are awesome and
you can just see the love they have for their little girl and each other.
Thanks Brock & Jackie - it was a pleasure meeting you and capturing some
memories for you!
Sunday, July 26, 2009

I had quite a busy weekend....one photo shoot on Saturday and two on Sunday. It was a fun, but busy weekend. I finally made it up to the cabin (after blowing – and I mean totally blowing a tire). Thank goodness my husband was still around to come to my rescue. But I’m here, happy, and ready to settled in and start editing the many, many pictures I took over the weekend.
Happy Summer Everyone!
Black & Whites
Jacqui and I were talking about their wedding fifty years ago and we were
joking about how all the pictures were in black & white. Here I go making a
pile of pictures into black & white! I find black & white pictures are
timeless. It seem all my "favourite" pictures are done in black &
white.....here are just a few from yesterday.
joking about how all the pictures were in black & white. Here I go making a
pile of pictures into black & white! I find black & white pictures are
timeless. It seem all my "favourite" pictures are done in black &
white.....here are just a few from yesterday.
And even more....FAMILY
Kim's family were lots of fun...loved to joke around and you could tell ho
much they love each other. One of my favourites is this one of Kim & her
husband....beautiful couple.
much they love each other. One of my favourites is this one of Kim & her
husband....beautiful couple.
I was taking pictures of the "girls" and I told Kim & Keri-Lynn (I hope I
spelled your name right) to stay and get just the two of them. I asked them
when the last time was that the two of them had their picture taken together
and they laughed and said "likely our weddings". That's why I love this
spelled your name right) to stay and get just the two of them. I asked them
when the last time was that the two of them had their picture taken together
and they laughed and said "likely our weddings". That's why I love this
More F A M I L Y
Katie & Jaxon go to school with my oldest son so I had lots of fun taking
pictures of their family. Such a nice bunch of kids and again, not hard to
capture a beautiful picture with such a group of good looking people!
pictures of their family. Such a nice bunch of kids and again, not hard to
capture a beautiful picture with such a group of good looking people!
I took a lot of pictures of individual families on Saturday. I loved how
this mother/daughter picture turned out. Great people.
this mother/daughter picture turned out. Great people.
Beautiful Family
I captured some great photos of our friend's family on Saturday as well.
Such a beautiful looking family....not hard to capture a beautiful picture!
Such a beautiful looking family....not hard to capture a beautiful picture!
Happy 50th Anniversary
I spent a couple hours at the Blight's on Saturday afternoon to capture a
few pictures. It is Jacqui & Jim's 50th Wedding anniversary and all their
kids were home to mark the occasion. They are a great family and I had so
much fun taking these pictures. Congratulations on your milestone Jim &
Jacqui! Enjoy your holiday with your family.
few pictures. It is Jacqui & Jim's 50th Wedding anniversary and all their
kids were home to mark the occasion. They are a great family and I had so
much fun taking these pictures. Congratulations on your milestone Jim &
Jacqui! Enjoy your holiday with your family.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Congratulations Allison & Pete!
OK, my policy is NO WEDDINGS! It's not that I don't like weddings, I
actually LOVE them, but I've always been leery about the pressure to do
someone's wedding. Hey, I can re-do children's portraits and even family
portraits if the client is not happy, but I can't redo a wedding! My cousin
Allison got married on Thursday (yes, Thursday) and she asked me to tag
along just for fun to take some pictures. I loved it. It was so much fun
and I wish we had more time between the ceremony & the reception as I could
have taken so many more. Thank you Allison for asking me. It was truly my
pleasure. My ideal job would be to do the pictures in between the ceremony
& the reception! So, if anyone wants to hire me just for those two hours of
non-pressure, fun shots....I'll consider it!
actually LOVE them, but I've always been leery about the pressure to do
someone's wedding. Hey, I can re-do children's portraits and even family
portraits if the client is not happy, but I can't redo a wedding! My cousin
Allison got married on Thursday (yes, Thursday) and she asked me to tag
along just for fun to take some pictures. I loved it. It was so much fun
and I wish we had more time between the ceremony & the reception as I could
have taken so many more. Thank you Allison for asking me. It was truly my
pleasure. My ideal job would be to do the pictures in between the ceremony
& the reception! So, if anyone wants to hire me just for those two hours of
non-pressure, fun shots....I'll consider it!
Congratulations Allison & Pete. Your wedding was beautiful!
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