Well, I quit my job yesterday. I worked part-time for City Hall and was finding with the photography and demands of family, I just could no longer keep up the pace. Something had to give and it was time to get my priorities in line. I have worked at City Hall for nine wonderful years. My amazing co-workers were like family to me and I am very saddened by the fact that I won't have the privilege of working with them anymore. However, I am excited about the prospect of being able to set my own hours, work from home and spend more time with my three boys. I am in the midst of setting up a little "studio" in my home so that I can continue to do family & children's portraits when the snow falls. Wish me luck everyone! I am still a little leery (and very sad) about my decision, but I think in time it will be the best thing for me, and more importantly, my family.
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