It seems like September and October are just flying by. I have been so busy doing all kinds of Fall Family photo shoots! Thank you to all my clients for being so great to work with. We only have a few more weeks of weather where "outdoor" pictures will work. My preference is outdoor so I hope that there are some brave souls out there who will venture into the snow to capture some fun, family moments!
I am heading to Grandview this weekend to spend time with my Family over the Thanksgiving holiday. I, of course, am taking my camera and equipment with me as I hope to convince my sister to let me take her family picture! As well, my very best friend from high school called me and asked if I would take her family picture - and of course I agreed! Her parents have sold their farm and they want to capture some moments there before they move. Her home was like a second home to me too, so I'm sure it will be a fun, but also emotional day of memories. I was very honoured that she asked me and am looking so forward to capturing some moments for her, her parents and her brother.
I encourage you all to grab your camera and go take your children to play in the leaves! This is the perfect time of year for great photos!
Happy Thanksgiving one and all!
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