Well, it’s August 20th today. Only a couple more weeks of summer and back-to-school chaos will be begin. I have thoroughly enjoyed my summer having my kids up at the cabin with Kris & me. We haven’t really had to “share” them with anyone - teachers, friends, coaches, etc. It’s been great just hiding up at our cabin as a family with no timelines, no schedules and just being able to be together. I have never been one of those parents that “can’t wait for school to start”, in fact I dread it. I usually tuck the boys in the night before the first day of school and then go grab a box of Kleenex and have a good cry. Another summer in the photo album, and another bit of time with my kids stored away in the memory bank. I wish I could freeze time right now and keep my kids the age they are, where they don’t mind just hanging out with their Mom & Dad all summer. We’ve been lucky, I have nephews up here that are not only family, but all my boys’ best friends so it has been a great summer for me and the kids. I have done some photography throughout the summer, but not a lot. I promised my boys this summer would be for them, and I have to say – I’ve kept that promise. I’ve turned down a lot of photo shoots and weddings, but I have no regrets. In a few years, when my kids don’t want to hang out with their mother....then I can book myself up like a crazy woman. This summer I succeeded, maybe not as an owner of my own photography business – but certainly as a Mom. This is my first summer where I wasn’t “working outside the home”. In the past I worked part-time for City Hall so our summers revolved around my holidays. I wondered if I would ever regret my decision to leave my great job at City Hall and venture out and start my own business. When Dylan & Danny hugged me the other day and said this was the best summer of their life, I knew right then and there I made the right decision. Am I hurting my business by turning down jobs – likely – but am I doing what’s best for my kids – YES. And that is all that really matters.
Photography is a passion of mine, but my kids are my LIFE. Have I put my photography somewhat on hold this summer – absolutely, but I don’t regret it one bit. Not only has this been the best summer of my children’s lives....it’s also been the best summer of My Life. Thank you Danny, Dylan & Jackson (and of course Kris for making all this to happen for us) – I am so blessed to have you in my life.
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer everyone.....and keep on capturing those memories.
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