Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 111

"Saturday Afternoon Fun"

What relaxing Saturday this has been. I had no sessions booked, which I have to say was a nice break for me. I've been catching up around the house, finishing up client packages and just having a quiet day at home. The kids needed a day to do "nothing" as well. The boys have spent most of the day outside (knock on wood - no rain and no mosquitoes) so I grabbed my camera and headed out to see what they were up to. Just as I walked out the door, Jackson rounded the corner on his bike and I couldn't resist the shot. Yes, I realize he doesn't have a helmet on (I put one on him after I took this) and yes, I also realize he's still in his pj's and it's well into Saturday afternoon! On days where we can all just hang out at home I let them stay in their pj's all day if they want....and Jackson always wants to!

So, here is Day 111 - Jackson having fun on his bike, with his pj's on and complete with 'bed head'. For some reason when I look at this picture I get the feeling that I'm going to look at it 20 years and this memory will come flooding back to me. He was so proud of himself. He looked up at me and said "look at my chicken legs go Mom!~"

I love my boys.


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