Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 147

"A Day Off"

So I spent Sunday at my parent's cabin in Clear Lake. It had been a busy few days with two weddings and three family sessions so it was kind of nice to have a day off. I did some editing while I was there, but after a few pleas from the kids I took them down to the pool at Sporty's. I spent every summer of for my entire childhood swimming in this very same pool so it was cool to sit there and watch my own kids enjoying like I used to. My brother's family were also up in Clear Lake so we had a great day spending a casual Sunday with them. I love summer days like this, nowhere to be and nothing to do but simply have fun!

I snapped a few quick pictures of the kids in the pool, and that was about the only time I had my camera out all day Sunday so that will have to do for Day 147!


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