Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 264

"C'mon Mom"

It wasn't Tuesday or Thursday (my crazy days), but it was a busy day. Jack and I headed into Winnipeg this morning as I needed to pick up some supplies at Don's Photo, then I needed to stop at Costco (yes, I am going to admit, I have NO time to make desserts for the Nursery School Fundraiser on Sunday....I bought mine!!), then home to meet the bus, feed the kids and off to Danny's hockey game! I knew that finding time for my "pic of the day" was going to be a challenge so I asked Jack if he would let me take a picture of him in his new hat we bought in Winnipeg. His reply "c'mon Mom, I don't want my picture taken again...."

At that moment I thought "you know what, enough - I just can't do this picture of the day thing anymore" and then he hugged his teddy bear and snap! There's my pic of the day.

Day me it's cute, to others it may not be anything special....but oh well, it's all I could manage today! Have I mentioned this Project 365 can be a real pain in the but some days! LOL!!


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