Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 309

Day 309

"My Favourite Gifts"

So, I was supposed to be travelling up to my cabin tonight, but plans have changed and I hope to be on the road in good time tomorrow. I am so anxious to get up to the cabin and just settle into the excitement of those few days before Christmas. To me, that is the best time of this season. I love the anticipation of all the fun stuff that Christmas Eve and Christmas Day holds.

The boys gave me their gifts after school today - they didn't want to wait til' Christmas morning. Danny made me a beautiful painting and I absolutely LOVE it! Dylan made me the most adorable little snowman and I love it too. The poor guy was in absolute tears when we were driving home because his snowman's arms fell off. He was devestated - told me he "spent two periods on it" as these giant tear drops fell from his cheeks. It almost made me cry too! We got home, got out the glue and all is well!

Day 309 - my beautiful school-made gifts from my kids for Christmas! Hats off to their awesome teachers for allowing them to create these treasures!


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