Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 334 & the Fabulous Kara!

Day 334


So, Kara came out to my studio this morning to get some "head shots" done for her business cards and promotional items. Kara is a Real Estate Agent in Portage la Prairie and works at Remax Central Plains Reality. We did several outfit changes and took some professional looking images. Afterwards, I insi...sted she let me do some "just for fun" shots. I knew they wouldn't be "business card" material, but I wanted to take some nice pictures of her because she looked so great today. Kara is like me, she hates getting her picture taken, but she agreed and let me have some fun.

Here is one of my favourites. Thanks for letting me do these at the end Kara - you're a good sport!


Some ~just for fun~ images I captured of Kara after our "head shots". We captured lots of beautiful professional images for her, but I had the most fun taking these. Thanks Kara ~ see, these weren't that painful! ;)


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