Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 212

"My Charming Dylan"

I looked outside tonight and saw Dylan practicing his archery (yes, he has a bow and arrow. No I did not buy it for him, his Dad did - yeesh), and I figured that now would be the time to go and convince him to let me take his picture while he was already outside. I also figured it would be safer for the cat to take away Dylan's bow and arrow.

I learned from my first attempt at Fall pictures with them that it works slightly better when they are not all together egging each other on. He reluctantly agreed. I didn't really want him to pose, I just wanted to capture "him", so we just sat up on the dyke and talked. I just snapped pictures and then said, we're done. He was like "that was soooo easy Mom"! Then he said, let me show you my "hello ladies"'s the middle right I had to tell you that. I can always count on Dylan to make me smile.

Here is Day 212...the many faces of my Dylan.See More


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