Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 224


So, today was a crazy-busy day! I woke up, put on the coffee and at down at my laptop for a couple hours to get some editing done. I am making progress on finishing up client files, but have a ways to go, but I'll get them done. Right now I am at a two-week get your photos taken, and I... can pretty much guarantee them in two weeks to you, I'm doing my best!

I headed into Oakville to meet the Thomson family. They have two daughters, their husbands and one adorable little Grandson. This was a fun family session, but a bit windy at times. We tried to find shelter in their yard, but it was tricky at times. Regardless, the images turned out great. This afternoon I also was able to meet the Winning Family. They drove out from Winnipeg for their daughter's one-year "smash cake" session. Mom came complete with the most beautiful cake, adorable hat and sweet tutu. After we did some family shots and portraits, we let Isabella at her cake - it was absolutely priceless! Poor little Isabella wasn't feeling that well so we did our best to bring out her smiles. Later in the afternoon I met up with the Stoesz family. We drove to an old yardsite and had fun touring around while I captured individual and family shots. It was a fun, easy going session!

So, after my busy day, I settled in and organized some more client pictures and feel that I am back on track. I had a busy, but great day. I had the opportunity to meet three very nice families!

Thank you Thomson, Winning & Stoesz grateful you chose me to capture some memories for you!


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