Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 240 and Day 241

I have been incredibly busy trying to get caught up on sessions and keep things going on the home-front! I took two days "off" to do both personal and business work and I should have taken a month off!  Needless to say, my busy season will soon be over and there will be plenty of time for "catch up" then.  I have hardly taken my camera out of my bag the past couple days so my Project 365 aren't my best work.

Yesterday, my friend Andrea left her two young children with me for a couple hours.  They were so busy playing that I hardly could capture a picture!  However, I did get this one shot of Marae heading to the swings!  As for today's picture....I was desperate for something (and the boys were NOT interested!) so it was a few signs of the change of seasons, yet again!

Here is day 240 and day 241!


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