Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 255

"A good day to bake....."

Well, it was election day around Manitoba today. Not ideal weather for voter turnout, but I did my civic duty and went and voted. I drove home and said to Jack, "let's bake - it's too miserable to go anywhere else today!" We baked some cupcakes and cookies, made some treat bags for Ha...lloween and just stayed warm and cozy around the house. The wind blew two of my big trees in my yard over. Luckily the wind was blowing so that the trees fell away from my home and not on top of them!

It was a productive day today, sometimes there is a positive to bad weather. I finished up another client order, cleaned my house, baked with Jack and all in all it was a "good" day, despite the "bad" weather.

Day 255 is nothing "spooctacular", just our "ghost" cupcakes Jack and I baked today. Mmmmm, going to have another one!


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