Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 105

"As Carrie would say....I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!"

If you know me at all, you likely know that my favourite show in the whole world is HBO's Sex And The City. I have been watching that show for well over ten years and I'm not lying when I say I have likely seen every episode at least ten times. I never tire of it, I love everything about it....the girls (Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda), the fashion, the shoes, the scenery (New York), and the friendship between these four 'soul mates'. I have seen the first Sex And The City movie about ten times now and was so excited to see the sequel.

I did something I never do today....something for myself. The boys were all hanging out with their Dad today so I decided to jump in my car and go for the Sunday Matinee of Sex And The City 2. At first I felt kind of funny going by myself, but as I looked around the theatre there were quite a few going "solo". I settled into my seat, popcorn and drink in hand and enjoyed every single second of the two hour and twenty seven minute movie. I have heard the bad reviews of this movie, but I disagree - I loved it. If you are a "true-blue SATC" girl, you will love it too!

Here is Day 105.....


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