Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 95

"When is it my turn?"

So, Jack and I headed into Portage with Danny for his ball game - yet again!  Poor Jack, he spends all winter following his brothers to a rink...and now all spring, following his brothers to a ball diamond!  He is a pretty good sport about it, but there are days when I think he'd just rather stay home....or be in the game. 

He looked at me today and said "when is it my turn?".  Luckily, I had my camera in my hand, so instead of answering him - CLICK!  Then I put down the camera and said "soon Jack, very soon".  What will I do when I have three boys to run with?  We'll be outnumbered?  Oh well - let the fun begin!

I'm lucky I had this picture because it was either this, or a picture of a beautiful dog I took.  And to be honest, I kinda like my 365's to be a bit more meaningful than a dog I'll likely never see again! (although the dog picture was likely a bit better composed than this one, but oh well)  I hope at the end of this to make a book for myself.  Great way to track " a year in my life"!

Here is Day 95....


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