Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 94

"Miss. Delaney"

Sorry I am a day late posting my Project 365! I couldn't decide which pictures of Delaney to inclue in my project. I decided to go with a collage of her in "vintage" tones. Delaney was so fun to work with, so willing to pose and do anything I asked her to do - even brave the long grass (eeeek woodticks!) I basically told her to just "be herself" and I think her true self shows through in the photos we have taken.

Delaney is my third "senior/grad" session I've done in the last week and I really enjoy them. It makes me think back to my grad, and that excitement that goes with your last few weeks of high school. I realized today, I have been away from "home" for as long as I was at "home" - 18 years! Time flies. Thank you Delaney for last evening - I hope you had as much fun as I did. And good luck in your future will be an amazing nurse!

Here is Day 94....featuring the beautiful Delaney!


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