Sunday, February 28, 2010
Day 14

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Memories by Me Photography - Closed March 1st-9th
Project 365 will continue when I get back and I will update my days as soon as I return. I promise to take lots of creative photos! Can't wait!
Day 13

Baby R & Big O!

Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 12

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Day 11

Winter Family Photography

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mr. Joe!

Day 10

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day 9
Self-Portrait challenge, and as I've said earlier - I give her a huge amount
of credit for that. Once again, I attempted to do a self-portrait of simply
myself....no kids, just me. Well, it didn't work, yet again. So, I took a
picture of myself where I am most comfortable - behind the lens! Here is my
Day 9.....
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 8
"Danny & M"
My son Danny is nine years old. He is such a good kid and I can say that without any reservation-he always has been. Don't get me wrong, he's not perfect and I'm not one of those Moms who think their kids are perfect (just ask me about Dylan & Jackson!), but today when he got home he asked me if I did my Day 8 and I told him I was having a bad day and hadn't got around to it. He then said to me, "well, if you want to take my picture I'll go outside for you so you can". Needless to say, I grabbed my tripod and my camera and he and I headed out into the snow. I was taking few of him and he said "c'mon Mom, you be in one of these". So that's exactly what I did!
Thanks Danny - for always been there for me. I love being a Mom - no matter how stressful or hard a day can be, your kids can light it up with just a few simple words and hug.
XOXOX Danny....Luv, Mom.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Day 7

Day 7.....I had taken some pictures of my son Danny playing hockey today, and was all set to feature them as Day 7, but then Danny & Dylan brought Jackson downstairs to watch Canada vs U.S. and they showed me what they did to their little brother. Thank goodness it's a washable marker! So, for Day 7....here is my son (with the help of his older brothers) showing his Olympic Spirit! GO CANADA GO!!!!!!!!
PS - I'm assuming it's washable - haven't yet tried to wash it off! LOL!"
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Day 6

Friday, February 19, 2010
Day 5
So, for some of you, you are aware that my youngest son Jackson "attempted
to fly" and failed. Last winter he "flew" off the couch onto a hard wood
floor and broke his three front teeth. After countless trips to the dentist
and lots of $$, we got his three front teeth back. He literally has little
baby dentures and they look great. Well, last week he walked up to me,
handed me his dentures and said "here's my teeth Mom". These were supposed
to be in permanently until he is six or seven years old!
Anyhow, he went "toothless" for a week, but today I took him into Kids
Dental and had them put back in. YAY! Jackson got his smile back! Although,
I will admit, he looked just as cute without his teeth.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Day 4

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Day 3

'Just Me'
So, I had a very un-inspiring (is that a word?) day. First off, I decided to take a picture of my boys getting on the bus this morning (a daily occurence in my life). But, they were too embarrassed to have their Mom out in her housecoat & slippers in front of their friends so that was a no-go. Then there were many cute things that Jack was doing all day, but I already used him in the previous two days so I don't want this to be all about Jack (even though the majority of my life is all about Jack). So, I decided to copy my friend Connie and do some 'self-portraits'. I can tell you with 100 % truth that I did not like one single one of them. I don't look like I thought I looked! LOL! So as the day progressed I started to realize that I had to pick something to post.....I took pictures of my home, a glass of wine (yum), preparation of supper, etc. but none of them really popped out at me. So I went back to my many self-portraits and picked the one and only one I actually liked. Pretty sad statement on my self image eh!? Anyhow....here is Day 3 featuring about the one thing I actually do like about myself - my eyes! I promise it will be better tomorrow! I'm not giving up!!!"
Olympic Pride!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Day 2

Jack in his Hat!

Monday, February 15, 2010
Day 1

Project 365
About Project Photo 365
This is a photography project that literally anyone who owns a camera can participate in.
The basic premise is, for one entire year, take and publish one photo for every single day.
Whether the picture is exciting and mundane, you must include one picture for every day. 365 pictures.
For further information on the concept of the Photo 365 Project, follow this link.
This group is for anyone who is participating in a Photo 365 Project now, or has in the past. Discuss anything about your project, post your photos from your project. Find other who might be interested in starting their own Photo 365. And have fun!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Love Day!