So, this is not one of my "cheery, happy, bright" pictures. I had a very hectic day and after supper I realized that I needed to make one last trip into the City before we leave on vacation. As usual, I found myself driving down Lyle Street. My Uncle Mervin lived on Lyle Street for many years. There were lots of family functions there and I spent a great deal of time there when I was in college and working in the City. It was my "home away from home". Sadly, and suddenly my Uncle Merv passed away last Christmas. I always find myself driving by his place when I'm in the City. Today as I drove by I noticed Christmas lights hanging on his home. Don't get me wrong - I love Christmas lights but they weren't hung the way he would have liked. I wanted to get out of my car and rip them down, but it dawned on me......this is no longer his home. This is someone else's home. They will make their own memories there.
When I got home and processed this picture, I looked at it and realized this is just a house. It's no longer "Uncle Merv's home". Those memories that I have in that home are now in my heart....where they will stay forever.
Capture those moments indeed as it cannot be taken back. Great moments you have in here Jodi.
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