So, I am in the midst of trying to finish up client orders, get my house in order, get my boys to and from hockey all weekend and PACK for Mexico!! I really didn't have time for "Day 13" and I almost thought "to heck with it", but then I realized I better stick to the plan or I would really regret it. I called in the troops, asked if they'd pose - they said no - so I threw a hissy fit and next thing you know, I have three willing models. A mother's guilt trips can do wonders some days. They got new sunglasses for their trip to Mexico from Mrs. Miller and I had their clothes all laid out ready to pack so I figured I'd go for the cool beach shot. All I said was "look like you're cool". This is what they came up with. You can decide if it's cool or not!!
So, after a very hectic busy day, and even more hectic evening.....here is my Day 13!
Thanks boys.....xoxo (mom)
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