Well, we hosted our Annual Oakville Squirts tournament yesterday at the Oakville Arena and it was a huge success. It was a long, but rewarding day with each and every one of the parents kicking in and helping out. Unlike many other arenas, the Oakville arena survives soley on the help of volunteers. In order to run a tournament, we are in charge of the canteen, ice cleaning, auction prizes, cleaning of the arena, etc. We literally open & close the arena and everything that takes place from tournament start to finish is the responsibility of the parents. Many other rinks have a caretaker, someone working in the canteen on a contact basis, etc. Not Oakville, and quite frankly, we are proud of that. There are so many volunteers that keep the Oakville Arena going and for that we say THANK YOU! Thank you as well to all the Squirt Parents for yesterday's awesome tournament. Events like that don't happen without the contribution of all the parents.
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