"Danny & M"
My son Danny is nine years old. He is such a good kid and I can say that without any reservation-he always has been. Don't get me wrong, he's not perfect and I'm not one of those Moms who think their kids are perfect (just ask me about Dylan & Jackson!), but today when he got home he asked me if I did my Day 8 and I told him I was having a bad day and hadn't got around to it. He then said to me, "well, if you want to take my picture I'll go outside for you so you can". Needless to say, I grabbed my tripod and my camera and he and I headed out into the snow. I was taking few of him and he said "c'mon Mom, you be in one of these". So that's exactly what I did!
Thanks Danny - for always been there for me. I love being a Mom - no matter how stressful or hard a day can be, your kids can light it up with just a few simple words and hug.
XOXOX Danny....Luv, Mom.
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