Well, today was one of those blah days. I did not want to come back from the cabin, but did so anyway. I love it there but could do without the three hour drive. I came home to a mountain of laundry from our trip, more from the cabin and a house that looks like a bomb went off in it at some point. Dylan wasn't feeling well, I was tired and Jack was being overly demanding.
While I was in the midst of getting things organized Jackson announced he "needed" to have a bath. This kid is part fish I'm sure as he would live in the tub if I'd let him. Being in no mood to argue, I poured him a bath. As I was organizing the towel cupboard I looked back to see him smiling over the tub. There as Day 29!
Thanks Jack for making me stop, at least for a moment, to see what is really important - YOU!
Now, it's my turn to go have a relaxing bath in the middle of the afternoon! To heck with the housework.... :)
Here is Day 29.....
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