"Morning Bus"
My three favourite times of the year are Christmas Break, Spring Break & Summer. The reason this is my favourite time of the year is because I get all three of my boys at home with me. There is no hockey practice, baseball practice, early mornings, school, etc. We just get to be together and hang out. Yeah sure, I'll admit....there are days I do a little happy dance when Danny & Dylan head off to school, but those days are rare. In a perfect world, I would have my children with me 24/7, 365 days a year. Unfortunately, that is not a reality in this world.
This morning I took a picture of them walking out to the bus (yes, Danny told me to stay back so his friends didn't see!) and I just liked the way these looked. Nothing fancy, nothing very artistic....just a simple morning in my life. Spring is just around the corner, and soon it will be summer and it will be my three boys and me living at our cabin at Asessippi and I will enjoy every single second of it.
Here is Day 32.
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