"Just a Good Kid"
Today was a pretty basic day for me. Got the kids off to school, worked on some photography work, cleaned the house, etc. etc. Kris took the car, so Jack and I went cruising in the Dodge (I still hear the banjo's playing when I drive that thing)! I attended the School Assembly and was very pleased (and proud) to see Danny get recognized for his "work ethic" in his class. Of course I took a picture of it, but I really detest gym lighting (and rink lighting!!) so I'm not going to post that picture for Day 39.
I brought the boys home in the Dodge (yep, Dylan ducked and hid for fear his friends see him in the old rust bucket), but Danny didn't care. He just waived at all his friends, oblivious to the fact that his younger brother was telling him to duck as well! What? Does he think his friends don't know who his Mom is!!??
Anyhow, we got home and I asked Danny if I could take a couple pictures of him quickly....and of course....he said yes. No fighting with me, no complaining....he just happily did these for about five minutes and we were done. Raising Danny has always been pretty easy....he's just always been a good kid. He's my reliable, honest, trustworthy son who I always know I can count on. He received an award today....and didn't come home boasting about it (unlike someone else would have in this household)....he was just humble and shrugged it off. Way to go Dan.....so happy for you....and proud!
Here is Day 39!
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