Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 35

"Skiing With Grandma"

The boys spent Sunday skiing the day away. Kris & Danny went out early
Sunday morning while the rest of us slept in. Grandma arrived after lunch
and she and the two boys spent the afternoon skiing. I'm sure they did at
least twenty runs. It's so great that the boys have a sport they can do
with their Grandparents. Grandpa didn't make it up to the cabin this
weekend, but the boys had lots of fun with Grandma.

Another fun-filled weekend came to an end and we headed back to Oakville.
We hope to be back one more time before the ski hill closes. So far, the
conditions look great and they are telling us the ski hill will be open
until April 7th! We'll see....keeping our fingers crossed.

Thanks Mom for spending some great quality time again with the boys.

Here is Day 35.


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