What a day! I basically woke up this morning, sent the boys to school, got Jackson ready and headed out the door to the Atom Hockey Tournament in Portage. Two hockey games and an opening ceremonies later I decided I didn't want to make supper seeing as I wasn't home ALL DAY! So we headed to a restaurant and just as we walked in Jackson says "my tummy hurts". Of couse I figured he was hungry so we all went ahead and ordered. Just as the waiter puts the order in, Jackson gets sick. We rush him out of the restaurant and he gets sick in the car! I drive home and my little guy is throwing up all the way home......needless to say....it's been an incredibly LONG day.
I didn't have a lot of time to capture any photos today but I did manage to snap this picture of Danny and Jackson walking into the arena. Of course, they wouldn't slow down or stop because Danny was worried they'd be late for the game, but it still turned out cute. Jackson ADORES his brother Danny so when he asked him if he wanted to carry his stick into the rink....he just lit right up. He carried that stick all the way into the dressing room (taking out a few people along the way - I kid you not!!). You should have seen him marching through that arena proud as can be that he was helping his big brother!
So, here is Day 40! I'm amazed after the day I've had (and am still having), that I can post anything. Hope all your homes stay healthy! ;)
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