"Prairie Sky"
What a busy day! I had intended to get organized early in the day and be ready when the boys got home from school to head to our cabin. However, as I was packing I suddently realized that I forgot to finish my nephew's birthday video...and all the pictures I would need were on my external hard drive (which I didn't want to bring with me to the cabin). Every year I make all my nephews and my own boys a "year through my lens" DVD slideshow set to music with pictures that I've taken of them. I knew I had to finish it before we left so everything else got put on hold, including packing!
Needless to say I did not have a minute to take a pictures for my 365 Project so as we were driving from Neepawa to Minnedosa I couldn't help but notice the beauty of the sky as the sun was setting. Perfect....but the family was not in favour of another pit-stop for Mom to take pictures (yet again). So, I just snapped away as we drove and was pretty happy to see I captured a few pictures that I really liked.
So, here is Day 46....the skies near Minnedosa.
*I couldn't help but think of a young boy by the name of Brock Pulock as I looked up into that beautiful sky. R.I.P. Brock.
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