"Treasure Hunt"
I know, some of you are looking at this saying "why on earth did she take a picture of a bunch of junk?" However, one person's junk is another one's treasure. Today Jack and I went on a little "treasure hunt". We toured around my area and ventured in and around some old homes and properties (yes, I know the property owners - I was not trespassing!) I love looking at old, vintage yards and seeing what treasures remain. I even ran into Mr. Blight (my lovely neighbour) who filled me in on the history of some of these old properties. I think he thought I was crazy taking pictures of all that "junk"! It was interesting to hear who lived in these homes so long ago.
When I was a kid, I grew up on a farm and for fun, the neighbours and my siblings and I used to jump on our bikes and go "exploring". We'd be gone all day out in the country exploring old houses, schools and sheds. There were a couple old places that had cool old newspapers and magazines that we used to leaf through and be amazed at how "old" they were. In some there were books, dishes and clothes! We never did take any of it though. We left everything behind - now I wish in a way we had taken some of those "memories" with us....because I am almost postive they perished with the home.
So, for Day 51 here are a few images I captured on my Treasure Hunt. Jack wasn't overly impressed, but I brought along bribes to keep him happy.
PS - Notice the picture on the bottom, right hand corner - it says "Jo-Dee" under the horseshoe....I thought that was kinda cool! I've taken pictures at this location countless time and never noticed that!
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