"Little Boys are God's Way of Telling You that Your House is Too Clean"
I am desperately trying to "spring clean" this week, but it's not going as planned. I did manage to get quite a bit done yesterday, but today is another story. For some reason, Jackson only goes outside to play if I'm out there. Once I'm out, he plays....but if I'm not....he is inside constantly asking me "if he can go outside and play!" Do you sense my wit's end?!?!
Anyhow, today I was in the middle of re-organizing their rooms when I finally thought "what the heck"....might as well go outside with Jack. Of course, I don't go anywhere without my camera so I captured some cute shots of Jack playing around. Because I actually hope to continue on with my Spring Cleaning I'm posting this as my Day 52 so I can mark one more thing off my to-do list for the day.
Here is Day 52.....
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