A few years ago my sister gave me the Tenth Anniversary Edition of SISTERS. It's a book featuring famous and non-famous sets of sisters with a story about their relationship and beautiful photos to go with each story. I love the book! I had given it to her years before and secretly wished she'd buy me the same copy back. She did! What I love most about the book is what she wrote on the cover.....I keep this book on my desk, along with other books I use for inspiration.
I have always wanted to take photos like Sharon J. Wohlmuth (the Photojournalist who wrote this book) and I hope to come close when I do my "Sister's Special" in June. I just posted information about this on my blog.
My Day 73 is my inspiration for my Sister's Special - the book "Sisters", but the biggest inspiration of all for wanting to capture special pictures of the bond between Sisters is my sister herself......thanks Leslie!
Here is Day 73....
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