"Treasure Hunt"
I had a very productive day around here. I finished up two batches of editing pictures, cleaned my house and did a lot of yard work. After supper I felt like just doing something fun with the boys so I told them we were going on a treasure hunt. All three of them jumped on their bikes and we headed down the road.
I've always noticed this old yard site across the field from my place, but it's hard to access in the summer because there is no lane to it and I don't want to trudge through my neighbours fields to get to it. It would also be a nightmare in a month or two to go in there due to woodticks! (I detest woodticks). Anyhow, we went on a little adventure and trekked into this old yard site. I was so excited with what I found....an old house, old car and several outbuildings. I had no idea there were that many vintage buildings in there as it's surrounded by a lot of trees. The kids were over the moon with all the "treasures' that were there.
Kris joined us as well with the Dodge and thankfully gave us all a ride home....the boys were too tired to ride their bikes back after exploring for an hour around this cool place.
Here is Day 56....All my boys enjoying Mom's Treasure Hunt! (pretty sure Kris thought I was nuts hauling back old pieces of broken boards and wooden crates!)
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