"Timeless Toys"
We were at my Mom's a few months ago and Jackson took a liking to this old Fisher Price lunch box that I had when I was a kid. My Mom said he could take it home with him, seeing as it was mine (I swear my Mom has never thrown out any of our old toys - they're all still there!). Ever since then I often find this little lunch kit (which Jack calls his treasure box) full of his little toys. I'm amazed by how much he plays with it. He has all kinds of new, high tech toys....but he continues to play with this old "timeless toy". I love this little lunch kit, I actually remember playing with it when I was little. It had a little thermos at one time (for some reason I think it was shaped like grainery (?), but I left milk in it and it went sour and my Mom had to throw it out. The things we remember, eh?
Anyhow, I was busy with organizing my Mother's Day sessions and all the other duties I have as a Mom of three boys so I didn't have much of an opportunity to do anything creative today. Instead I just snapped a cute picture of one of my favourite toys from days gone by....in the hands of my littlest guy.
Here is Day 64....
Love it - I remember those!
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