Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 62

Well, this has been a whirlwind day full of pictures! I have been busy sorting through my Mother's Day sessions and remembered that I hadn't got around to doing a Project 365! Luckily I remembered I snapped a picture of my Breast Cancer Awareness material I received to hand out to my "Moms" today after their photo shoot. For the year 2010 I am donating $5 from every session to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. I had someone comment to me that this was a good marketing tool when they saw it posted on my blog. I must say, this certainly is not a marketing tool for me. I am doing this in memory of both my Grandmothers.
Breast Cancer stole my Grandma Maxwell from me when I was 19 years old. She fought a courageous battle, and I will never say she lost it, for she fought this disease for 19 years and never once did I hear her complain. Breast Cancer also stole my Grandma Mulligan from all of us. We never were able to meet her as she passed away a few months before my older brother was born. I often wonder how our lives would be different had she lived.

So, in the sprit of Motherhood.....and in celebration of my Mother's Day Sessions weekend I commend all of you "Moms" out there for doing the hardest job on the planet....and that is raising our kids!

Here is Day 62! Wear your pink ribbon with pride! :)


Garwood said...

Having lost my wife to cancer, this whole task you've taken on in memory of your Grandmothers (whom I knew well) is emotional. Good for you!

Jodi Lee said...

Thank you! It's a cause very close to my heart, and many others.

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