"One of those Days.....where I'm grateful for my kids".
Well, today was just "one of those days" for me. I didn't sleep well last night, so I was extra tired this morning when it was time to get the munchkins off to school. I spent a lot of the day editing pictures from my Mother's Day sessions on the weekend and was having "pangs of guilt" as I was not paying very much attention to Jackson. I kept hearing that quote "the work will wait while you show the child the rainbow; but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work". Today I failed at "showing my child the rainbow"....I was too busy working. It just seemed that everything that could go wrong, did go wrong....just little things and it's not even like I'm complaining....it simply was "one of those days". Danny ended up with the stomach flu tonight so that just topped the evening off.
I got all the boys settled and did my nightly routine of making lunches, putting out their clothes and tidying up. When I went to sign Dylan's journal I found a little note that brought an instant smile to my face! Every once in awhile he writes these little notes to his Dad or me in his journal and I treasure them. Dylan - this little message couldn't have come on a better day. I love you too buddy.
Here is Day 66 - nothing fancy..... and for those of you without kids, you may even think it's kind of a silly picture; but to me - it's a masterpiece.
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