"All About Jackson"
So, as I mentioned last week, I enrolled my youngest son Jackson in a Literacy Program at the Portage la Prairie Library. We meet every Tuesday afternoon and we read books, do crafts and basically have lots of fun with our kids learning to read. The project this week was to make a photo book all about your child. I left this to the last day because I have been so busy editing Mother's Day pictures that I didn't really have time to do a bunch of pictures of Jackson for his book. It has lines such as "Jackson has one tummy, Jackson has one nose, Jackson has two brothers, etc. and there needed to be pictures to go along with each sentence.
Realizing his literacy class is tomorrow I figured I better get on this little project! He was so excited to have his picture taken and be the "star" of his own book (like he isn't the star around here everyday?! LOL)....I decided to use these pictures of Jack for my Project 365, thus killing two birds with one stone.
So, here is Day 71......starring the one and only - JACKSON!
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