Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Elliott Clan

Meet the Elliott's ~ they are a family near and dear to my heart. When Keri emailed me a few months back to see if I could do some family photographs for them in honour of her Mom's milestone birthday I was willing to do whatever it took to get home to do this. This family are close family friends of our's, and when we're together it feels like family. I've known all these people my entire life....travelled to the Black Hills, Disney World and pretty much spent every Kinsmen function, Grey Cup, etc. with them for the first 18 years of my life! We took all these pictures at the Elliott Farm, and each location has a personal signfigance to all of them. Jana is from BC, Jacquie is from Killlarney and Keri is from Dauphin so it's not often they're all in one place for very long....but Easter weekend worked and I made it work for me. Here are a few sneak peaks from this fun, memorable session. Thanks Elliott Clan - so fun to all be together again!


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