Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School

Well, today summer is officially over in our house. I sent my two oldest
off to school. This is Dylan's first "full-day" of school as last year
Kindergarten as half-days. I am going to miss him and his brother Danny so
much. I have always dreaded the first day, and I cry every year. You would
think it would get easier to send them off to school, but it doesn't. Each
year just makes me realize how quickly time goes by. I think that's why I
take so many pictures of my children - I need to capture all the moments I
have with them as soon they will be gone. I still have my little Jackson at
home (Thankfully!). Here are just a few of the many pictures I took this
morning on Danny & Dylan's first day. Good luck boys....I'll be anxiously
awaiting that big yellow school bus, camera in hand (of course!). JL


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