Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Jackson wanted to have a "Green Day" today, so he he dragged out some green toys and asked if we could make green cupcakes. Why not?!
Best part of making cupcakes is licking out the bowl!  I still remember doing that as a kid.
Jack thinks it's pretty cool to use the blender....I do too, until he lifts th beaters out when it's still on and icing flies all over my freshly cleaned kitchen! Oh well.....
Waiting for the cupcakes to cool, under the watchful eye of  Theodore the Chipmunk! ;)
Mmmmm, Mmmmmm.....icing!
The incredibly talented "sprinkler guy" - Mr. Jackson!
I asked him what he thought of "green day" so far and got a big thumbs up!

Have I mentioned I love cupcakes? I do. They are probably one of my "favourite foods". I likely make cupcakes twice a month and the kids know that all they have to say is "let's make cupcakes" and I'm good to go. They are easy to make, and fun to do with the kids. I let them lick out the bowl - both the icing and batter, usually followed up by a big glass of milk. I don't even want to guess how many batches of cupcakes Jack and I have made over the last couple years. He is my "helper" and the older he gets, the more jobs he gets to do. Just recently I have let him crack the eggs (not always the smartest thing on my part), but he loves it. Today he was the "mixer" and the "sprinkler" and he got to say what colour the icing would be. He wanted to have a "green day" so he gathered up some of his green toys and brought them all to the kitchen to "watch" us bake.

I treasure times like this. Soon he'll be in school and I will be making cupcakes by myself! Oh, tearing up....gotta go! Here are some fun pictures from our "green bake-a-thon" this morning!



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