Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 293

"Here Comes Santa Claus"

Well today was the Oakville Santa Breakfast! My friend Krista and I were in charge of organizing this event for the community and I'm happy to report that it was a success. This is our third year organizing it so we should have it down pat by now! LOL! For those of you not from the area our Santa Breakfast is a free breakfast for the community and it ends with a visit from Santa! Each child is given the opportunity to sit on Santa's knee and gets a treat bag. It's a great event and I'm proud to be a part of it.

This event is purely volunteer driven ~ just another perk of being from a small community!

Day 293....just a few pictures from this fun event! Miss. Emmalie came prepared....she had an actual list for Santa and left it with him so he wouldn't forget!

*Thanks to Miller Agritech, Blight Native Seeds, Memories by Me Photography (shameless plug - LOL), Adam Lee Financial, The Mussellam Family and Oakville Supermarket for donating items and/or volunteering for this fun event!


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