Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 300 and 301


Today was my oldest son Danny's Atom Tournament in Oakville.....which meant Kris and I were at the rink all day volunteering along-side all the other Oakville parents. I didn't take my camera because I knew I'd likely be in the canteen for most of the day. It turned out to be a great day of hockey....t...wo out of three of Danny's games were sudden death overtime games (they won one, lost one) and their last game was 0-0 until two minutes were left in the game and the other team scored. If you follow hockey at all you'll know those are very exciting games to watch. They're also very hard games to lose, but our boys handled it with good sportsmanship, which we're very proud of.

As you can imagine, I didn't have much time to take my picture of the day so I figured these hockey skate ornaments my Mom bought the boys for Christmas a couple years ago would be a fitting picture to our hockey-filled day.

Day 300.....

"Bucaneer Party"

After my son's hockey tournament last night I packed up Jackson and drove up to my cabin so that he and I could surprise my nephew Reese and show up at his Bucaneer Pirate Party. I brought a bunch of things up here that I am going to need over the holidays, but the one thing I forgot was Jack an...d my pirate costumes to wear to the party today. Oh well, we went anyway and had such a good time.

Mr. Reese was born in the same year as my son Jackson and my nephew Kael so it was pretty cool that all three of them were there to celebrate Reese's entrance into the four-year old club! Reese also has another cousin Ariana who is four too!

Kudos to my sister Leslie - she sure knows how to throw a party! She thought of everything right down to eye patches and pirate hats for the kids! There was not a detail left out - thanks Les - awesome job.

Happy Birthday Dear Reese. You are truly a special kid and I am so proud to be your aunty!


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