Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 322 & 323

Day 322

"And there he goes again...."

Sorry folks, another skiing picture! It's all I had an opportunity to take pictures of today. Kris took Jackson out again, and this time had him in a harness so he could pull him back when the time came! We are hoping to put the little guy in some lessons soon and then everyone (e...xcept me - LOL) will be able to enjoy the skiing just outside our door at the cabin!

Day 322....Kris and Jackson heading out to the slopes!

Day 323

"Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to." ~John Ed Pearce

I drove from the cabin back to Oakville today. I'm never happy leaving there, but was even more unhappy today because it meant that the holidays with my family are coming to an end. It was so great to just be "home"....and even though some of my family were sick this holiday season, we were still all together....and that is when I am the most grateful.

I stopped on the side of the road and took this picture by Russell today. I loved the look of the tree to the right, along with the old red outbuildings. Thought it looked very "wintery".

Day 323.....


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