Saturday, January 22, 2011

Milestone Birthday - Mr. Jack turns FIVE!

So, as most of you who follow my work baby turned five the other day! I remember when Danny and Dylan turned five, I was equally emotional. It just seems like such a milestone, especially Jackson. It means that I know longer have "little ones" running around. My boys are growing up, and as much as I am grateful they are given the opportunity to grow and thrive, I still long for those days of cuddling and them needing me more than they do now. Oh I know, this is totally me being selfish and wanting to hold onto them being little and I know I should likely seek therapy (LOL), but it's just honestly how I feel.

But, enough about ME...let's talk about Jack's big day. He awoke quite excited on his big birthday. The boys were gone to school and Kris was at work so it was just me and him for a couple hours before his friends arrived. I let him open one of his presents and he was super excited. He was literally bouncing off the walls. After a lovely call from Grandma his buddies arrived and the party began. The day was filled with laughter, good friends and lots of hugs and kisses from me. I hope it was a wonderful day for you Jackson! I love you more than words can say.....

Jackson requested mashed potatoes for his birthday lunch, but I vetoed that for the sake of the other little boys! Instead, we had "pirate" sandwiches (OK, they were gingerbread, but the kids thought they were pirates!) I tried to stick with a pirate theme complete with pirate banner, Captain hat for Jack and little mini pirates on all their little cakes!  Each boy got to take home a pirate package, complete with a photo of them as a pirate.  Jack was thrilled......

Because Jackson only wanted three of his friends to his party (his choice), I was able to make each little guy their own pirate cake with their name on it. Note to self, they're only five....I could have easily cut these little loaf cakes in half! I also made cupcakes for his Nursery School class as the party continued at Oakville Tiny Tots! Jack thought he was pretty special that day!

I found this great Pirate Cut out at the Dollar Store. I thought it was perfect for a picture to include as a thank you card! The boys thought they were pretty!

When I asked Jack who he wanted to come to his party, he was very specific. Ian, Kevin, Tristan, Kael & Reese. Unfortunately my two nephews couldn't come because they live so far away, but I was happy his other three buddies were able to join us!

We ended the day with a trip into Winnipeg to a restaurant of Jack's choice. He had picked McDonald's, but I think his older brothers coaxed him into Montana's with the promise of wearing the big horns! All in all, Jack's day was a memorable and fun one....and a bit of an emotional day for me. But I'm to therapy! *just kidding! :)


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