Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 344

Day 344


So, I have been reading everyone's Facebook pages about working out, personal trainers, boot camp and so on and have to say I admire you all for having the discipline to exercise like you do. It is not for me though. I lack the coordination for any type of cardio or aerobics (yes, I was once asked to leave a step aerobics class - I kid you not - I looked like a frog in a blender and was mixing everyone up so they asked me to leave - MORTIFIED!)

I luckily don't have any weight issues that I need to overcome but let's face it, I'm getting older and I need to start taking better care of myself. Last year I started doing Yoga and I absolutely loved it. My sister-in-law is a certified Yoga Instructor and I have seen first-hand how it has changed her life. I don't have the luxury of attending her classes (but if you live in the Parkland area - you should go) so I bought myself some Yoga DVD's and got into the routine last year of doing them with Jackson every morning. Somehow, life happened and I stopped doing them, put the yoga mat away and stacked the DVDs with the other hundreds of unwatchd DVDs I have floating around my home. Last night Jackson brought up the yoga mat and asked if we could start doing it again. Perfect timing, I so need to start doing this again.

So, Jack and I put on our "yoga clothes" (yes, this is a great excuse also to buy more lulu lemon clothes), set up the mat and put on the DVD this morning. He lasts for about ten minutes, then gets bored and just goes off and plays, which is good because I can't help laugh at him while he's doing all these poses and from what I've heard, yoga is all about breathing and it's hard to breathe when you're laughing your head off!

Anyhow, this picture is for you Aunty Buffy - Jack demostrating one of the poses he says he learned from you!



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