Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 335 and 336

Day 335 - "Winter Sunrise"

I took this at 8:30 this morning. I loved how the snow almost looked pink from the sunrise. Very little editing needed to be done - this is simply winter beauty in Manitoba.
...Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!

Day 335.....

Day 336 - "A Bisit"

Wow, what a cold day out today! I was supposed to have an outdoor family session this afternoon after my son's hockey game, but when we saw the forecast we quickly decided to wait until warmer weather.
Kris and I went our seperate ways today....he was off to Carberry for Danny's game and Jack, Dylan and I headed into Oakville for Dyl's game. I love watching my kids play hockey, but I have to say it was nice to get home and warmed up. I don't know why, but the cold weather really got to me today!

I was tidying up my studio this afternoon and Jackson wandered in and asked if he could have a little "bisit". Bisit is how he says visit.....likely because of his three missing front teeth (note to self....time to get him to the dentist to get his dentures put back in....yes, he has dentures....take a stroll back in my Project to get the story on that! LOL) Anyhow, when Jack and I "Bisit", I basically keep doing what I'm doing while he natters away about this and that. Being the youngest in the family, I think sometimes he just wants to be "heard". I stopped tidying, grabbed my camera and just sat and listened to him talk away about pirates, his brothers, Star Wars and whatever else seemed to come to his mind. I have to remind myself to stop sometimes and just "listen" to him, because he has a lot of cute stuff to say!

Here is Day 336....Jack during our "bisit"

Happy Sunday Everyone....stay warm....


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