Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 176

"Happy 10th Birthday Danny"

Well today was my oldest son's tenth birthday! Double digits.....when did that happen. Time just seems to be flying by way too fast. I always get a little sad around my children's birthdays. I wish there was a way I could freeze time and keep them all little. However, despite my feelings of sadness, it's not about me - it's about my son and making his tenth birthday the best ever.

We headed into Thunder Mountain Waterslides for the afternoon with a couple of his good buddies. What a perfect day weather-wise, but there were long line-ups! Regardless, the kids had a blast. Then we headed to Montana's Restaurant for supper with all the kids and had a great time. Of course, they put the big Viking hat or whatever it is on him and sang happy birthday....to which he was beaming! I didn't capture great pictures of that as they were crowded around the table and it all went so fast. Sometimes it's nice to just enjoy the moment instead of always having to be ready for that "next great picture opportunity"....now I'm kicking myself for not taking more pictures! Oh well!

After our busy day we arrived home and we had cupcakes and sang happy birthday - every kid needs cake on their birthday! I am a firm believer of that....and of course, I LOVE cake!

So, for Day 176 it is a few pictures from our busy day. I didn't have much of an opportunity to take a ton of pictures as we were at the water park and the boys literally disappeared up and down the slides.....I kept waiting for them, but just as I'd walk away to lock up my camera, they'd come zooming down the slide again!

Happy 10th Birthday Danny! I hope you had an awesome, memorable day! I know I did.....


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