Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Family is Where Your Story Starts....."

Today we headed to my parent's for a barbecue with the family. We're all "home" right now so it was great to get everyone together one last time before Brett and Jolene head back to Ottawa. I always have my camera at family functions and I'm usually not the most popular member (as you can tell by my younger brother's expression - bottom right hand corner), but they usually are grateful in the end for the captured memories! I wasn't dare going to suggest a "group photo" as I had already tortured them in Mexico with a group shot on the beach and last summer as well in honour of my Mom's 60th birthday. Instead I just wandered around trying to capture a picture of everyone.....they all turned out great, except for Brett, but I wasn't going to push it.

Anyhow, here is Day 171, a glimpse at the 16 most important people in my family.


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