Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 188

"Doc Walker"

I spent every summer of my childhood at Clear Lake, and still go there a lot as my parents still have a cabin there. When I heard Doc Walker was doing a free concert, I knew we'd be there. One of my favourite bands is Doc Walker, and my boys love their music too. We all headed down to the beach (and when I say all - I mean my siblings, my parents, my nephews, my kids, my husband and I) and we took in the awesome concert that was put on. We had seven boys under 10 so needless to say we didn't get a seat close up - we stayed on the beach and let the boys "wrestle" while we listened to the great music.

I snuck up to take a sneak peak and try and capture a few pics, but there were so many people crammed to the stage that I couldn't get very close. I did get a few pictures, but so wish I was one of the "photographers' that were right up in the front, they must have captured some awesome shots!

Here is Day 188.....Doc Walker!!!


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