Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 178

"Happy Anniversary"

Yesterday we celebrated Darren & Lori Miller's 15th wedding anniversary. Darren surprised her by having a dinner party for her with all of the wedding party and family. She was shocked when she walked in and saw us all sitting there! Two out of five bridesmaids were there, and four out of groomsmen. The Ring Bearer was also there, although now he is taller than all of us! I must say we all look better now than we did 15 years ago....yes we've aged, but the big hair and big glasses are a thing of the past! LOL!

Any of you who follow my blog or my 365 know that Kris and I met in a wedding party - and this was the couple who we stood up for so their anniversary always holds some signifigance for us as well. Darren is Kris's childhood friend, and Lori is my childhood friend....and the rest is history! We are as good of friends now as we were then and we are so grateful for their friendship.

Here is Day 178....a few images from the anniversary party!

PS - if you're wondering why Lori's Mom is so dressed up it is because we got looking through the wedding album and Darren was calling Marilyn teasing her about her hat so she snuck over to surprise him. It was hilarious! Good one Marilyn!


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