Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 148

"Little Miss Abigail"

Day 148

"Little Miss. Abigail"

I spent most of my morning editing pictures, in between being a referee for the boys (it's going to be a long summer if they don't start getting along better!). I actually managed to get quite a big accomplished in 'picture world', still lots more to go though.

Alona, David and Baby Abigail showed up later this afternoon for a newborn session. As soon as Alona walked in she mentioned that Abigail was having an "off" day. Poor little thing, she just was not in the mood to have her picture taken. She was so tiny, and so cute, but everytime we placed her down she would cry and she only seemed happy being nuzzled into her Mommy. We tried for about an hour, but she was just not happy. I felt bad, they felt bad and things were just not going as planned so we opted to try again in a few weeks.

I have been looking through the images we did capture and am pleasantly surprised by what we were able to get in that time. Here is one of Little Miss Abigail that I really liked.

Great to meet you Alona & David. I hope to see you again soon! Congrats on becoming first time is Day 148.


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