Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 160

"Ready, Set, Go!"

Today was our annual Bailey/Maxwell Reunion at the beautiful home of our family Jan & Brian. We all ventured to Neepawa to enjoy the wonderful hospitality of the Bailey Family. The kids look forward to this family function every year because Jan and Brian have a pool. We like to refer to their place as "the Resort" because you honestly feel like you are at one when you are visiting them. The food, the drink, the atmosphere and the company are second to none!

All seven grandsons thoroughly enjoyed the Bailey Pool. They pretty much swam for seven hours straight, only taking a break to eat. We made them wait thirty minutes before diving back in again after supper. They were driving me crazy with "how many more minutes Mom/Aunty Jodi" so I lined them up and counted back from ten. They all jumped in together (except for Maddox....he was at the top of the hill trying to convince his Dad he should swim again too!). As you can see, Danny jumped the gun so I didn't capture his jump!

Day 160 was a great day....surrounded by my family!


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